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Showing posts from 2014

Review : Citrix XenApp 7.x Performance Essentials by Packt Publishing

Oh my my~ It has been awhile since my last updates! I will kick start this blog again by providing my review to a Citrix technical book, with the title of  Citrix XenApp 7.x Performanc e Essentials by Packt Publishing.   To me, the title said it all. It explains the essential items for XenApp 7.x in term of performance. The instructions (followed by a few screenshots) given help readers to understand in the topic, and assist them if they want to dirt their hands with labs or training.  Note that there are huge differences between XA 6.5 and XA 7.x, and this book do the job well in explaining the 7.x technology, without making the readers to confuse with XA 6.5. A good read, moreover reference to Citrix Administrators, as well as the beginners.  You may check the book here . Well, this book does help me on my CCP : Virtualization preparation. But hey, that is not the focus here :)

Unable to Create Site for Citrix XenDesktop 7 with "Cannot write property Collation. This property is not available on SQL Server 7.0" error

This issue occurred when i wanted to use SQL 2012 in my XenDesktop 7 environment (new setup). This error blocked Admins from creating new XenDesktop Site. Based on Citrix KB , it turned out that Share Management Object (SMO) library needs to be upgraded to SP1 on the server which hosting Citrix Studio. Issues : Unable to create Site on XenDesktop 7 with below error : Cannot write property Collation. This property is not available on SQL Server 7.0 Resolution :  FIrstly, download Shared Management Objects from here : Double click at SMO This screen will launch. Installation will upgrade SMO. Press Yes to this message box.  Press Next   Accept the license, and press Next  This is optional step, press Next once you done  Press Install  Installation in progress... Done. Press Finish .

Error on Powershell - 0xffff0000

I am not very familiar with PowerShell, yet... really. Currently, my main scripting language is VBScript. However, I am truly believe the needs to learn PowerShell is keep increasing every single day. Server 2008 and Server 2012 are equiped with PowerShell, some advanced managements in XenDesktop 7.5 are using PowerShell, it is fun to learn PowerShell (they said), and a few other points mentioned by my colleagues ( Wow, what on earth Heiry, why your introduction is longer than an episode of Dads? ) Issues : Error encountered when a scheduled task created to run PowerShell script : The shell cannot be started. A failure occurred during initialization: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Furthermore, this error reported on Task Scheduler. Troubleshooting   Go to Start > Run , and type regedit . Press Enter   Registry Editor launched. Browse to My Computer > HKEY_CURRENT_USER , and look for for Environmen...

How To Generate Configuration Logging report - XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003

In previous post , i explained on how to enable Configuration Logging on XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003. In this post, I will explain on how to generate Configuration Logging report. Description : Generating Configuration Logging report  - XenApp 5.0 for Server 2003. How To Do :  Firstly, login to workstation using the ID that has access to the DB. This Citrix blog explains well on the access required.   Launch Citrix Console, right click at Report Center > choose Generate Report Choose Configuration Logging Report , and press Next  If no specification being created yet, choose Create and use a new specification , press Next  Put the connection name, in this case the connection name is ConfigLogging . Click at Create   This window popped out, at Provider tab, choose Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server , and press Next >>  At Connection tab, properly specify the server name, credential , and the...

Info! Microsoft is Giving Away free eBook!

Microsoft is currently giving away free eBooks from their store, including: Windows 8.1, Windows 8, PowerShell, Server 2012, Exchange, Lync, etc etc. From what they said, they already surpassed 1 millions downloaded copies, in just 2 days! Which equivalent to 347 copies in a second! Dont forget to grab your copies from here ! Reference :

Task Scheduler Error - An Error has occurred for task . The following error was reported: A specific logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

A few days ago I created a script to do some little, tiny checking on my servers. My plan was to create a Task Scheduler so that script can be executed periodically. But ( yeah, there is always a but ), I encountered an error. If we look carefully at the error, it did not mentioned about Securty or policy setting, but I know it must related to UAC. Issues : Receive error when configuring Task Scheduler : An Error has occurred for task <Task Name>. The following error was reported: A specific logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. Troubleshooting   Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Click at Task Scheduler  Browse to Task Scheduler (local) > Task Scheduler Library  Right click at the specific Task Scheduler > choose Properties  At General tab, the radio box " Run whether user is logged on or not " is enabled . Which means, the setting is okay.  Further checking, ...