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Task Scheduler Error - An Error has occurred for task . The following error was reported: A specific logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

A few days ago I created a script to do some little, tiny checking on my servers. My plan was to create a Task Scheduler so that script can be executed periodically. But (yeah, there is always a but), I encountered an error. If we look carefully at the error, it did not mentioned about Securty or policy setting, but I know it must related to UAC.

Issues :

Receive error when configuring Task Scheduler :

An Error has occurred for task <Task Name>. The following error was reported: A specific logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

  1.  Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Click at Task Scheduler

  2.  Browse to Task Scheduler (local) > Task Scheduler Library

  3.  Right click at the specific Task Scheduler > choose Properties

  4.  At General tab, the radio box " Run whether user is logged on or not " is enabled. Which means, the setting is okay.

  5.  Further checking, go to Start > Run, type secpol.msc and press Enter.

  6.  Browse to Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

  7.  Check on this setting, it is Enabled.

Resolution :
  1.  Right click at the above mentioned setting, and choose Properties

  2.  Click at Disabled, press Apply and OK.

  3.  Perform gpupdate /force to refresh policy update.

We are done, now go trying!
