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How To View Pictures in Thumbnail

Last week was my first day in my new company (yes, I resigned from my previous company as I wanted to get new challenges). So, during my first day, we (my boss, another colleague and I) went out to buy new laptop for me (BYOD concept - so we can choose our own laptop, thanks boss!). So long story short, today I just realized that I can't view my pictures in thumbnail. Not a big deal though, but the feature is there, so why not using it, right? :D

Description :
Pictures showing as icon, rather than thumbnail.

 How To Do :

  1. Open Window Explorer, go to View tab, and click at Option

  2.  This screen will appeared. Click at View tab

  3.  Our focus is on "Always show icons, never thumbnails" checkbox, as below

  4.  Uncheck it, press Apply and OK

  5.  Tadaa~ all done. Isn't it easy :)

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