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Showing posts with the label Group Policy Preference

How To : Group Policy Processing ( GPP ) : Add / Edit / Remove INI FIle

It is a common practice for applications to have configurations set in INI file. It may contain information such as language, key, connection setting, version, and so forth. Updating INI file might not affect the application coding, but it may affect on how the application behave. There are multiple ways to update the file, one of it is by using Group Policy Preference ( GPP ).  In this example, I want to update a key file at a specific location with a specific information. Information :  File Location : C:\Temp\key\keyfile.key Content of AppsKey.key :           [Setup]           Key=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX As mentioned by Microsoft here , below format must be followed : [SectionName] PropertyName1=PropertyValue1 PropertyName2=PropertyValue2 How To Do :  Edit the policy. Navigate to Preference | Windows Settings  Right click INI Files | New | Ini File  This screen will appear... Action = D...

Suppress Adobe Product Improvement Program Pop-Up by Using Microsoft Group Policy Preference or AppSense Environment Manager

I implemented this a few years back, when I needed to eliminate any unneeded pop-up to my users. In this case, it was for Adobe Reader. Newly created profiles will have this automatically pop-up when they launched Adobe Reader  for the first time. Adobe Product Improvement Program - Help Improve the Adobe Reader Experience. The screen also can be triggered by going to Help | Improvement Program Options... These steps will help to disable the Improvement Program Options menu, and consequently suppress the pop-up. Note that it requires registry editing, so be extremely careful. Note that the steps mentioned are for Adobe Reader 11. If oy used different version, ensure your key path refers to correct version (SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0) Using GPP :   Launch GPMC , and go to target GPO.   Edit the policy, and navigate to Computer Configuration | Preference | Windows Settings | Registry , right click at Registry , hove...

Group Policy Preference ( GPP ) : GPP Is Not Working, There Are Red and Green Dots / circle At The Settings

Group Policy Processing has been introduced since Server 2008, and Microsoft recommends to use GPP instead of normal GPO. To me, I prefer to use GPP as well, as it is more convenience to configure and troubleshoot.  However, in some cases, the configuration may not get reflected, no matter how many times you perform gpupdate (gpupdate /force as well), or even reboot the machines. Your settings are all good, linked enabled to appropriate OU, Block Inheritance already enabled ( to ensure policies assigned to parent OU not conflicting with your policies, just in case ), there were no similar setting in Site and Domain policies, policies already being enforced ( oh wait, do you really need to enforce? ).  What else could it be then? Oh wait, just before you planned to kill someone, you realized there were red dots / circles at the configurations, and those configurations (with red dots / circles ) were the one who drove you crazy! Configurati...

How To Hide Windows Local Disk Drives From Users

In some organizations, Management may want to hide certain server local drives from being accessed by Citrix users. There are a few methods to do so, but in this post, we will be using GPP.  Note that this step will only HIDE but not prevent users from acecssing to it. The configured drive will only be hide from WIndows Explorer. Thus, users still can access to the drive via Command prompt, Run command etc. Description : Hide certain drives from being accessed by users. How To Do :  Launch Group Policy Management Console . Depending on how your AD is structured, right click at the OU, and choose " Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here... "  Give it a name, and press OK .  Then you can see the GPO created.  Right click at the GPO, and choose Edit .   Expand to User Configuration > Preference > Windows Settings, click at Drive Maps  Right click at Drive Maps , hover to New and click at Mapped...