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Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit - Extract Report (3/4)

As mentioned in the first post, this KB series is about Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit. There are 4 main steps :
Once inventory data collected, we can generate reports. From the inventory data collected earlier, we can use options in the toolkit to generate the report.

For this example, we re going to discover Windows 10 Readiness

This KB is about how to generate report from collected inventory data.

  1. At Overview page, select the targeted scenario category. In this example, it is Desktop.

  2. At this page, select specific scenario that we after. In this example, it is Windows 10 Readiness.

  3.  It is possible to customize assessment properties. The properties will set the threshold of the assessment, such as, threshold for minimum CPU speed, acceptable free disk, as well as minimum assigned RAM. To do so, select Customize assessment properties option.

  4. You can use default settings by Microsoft, or use custom settings. Once done, select Run Assessment

  5.  Assessing….

  6.  Assessment completed, select Close.

  7.  Next, select Generate Windows 10 Readiness Report option

  8.  Report generated. Select Close

  9. The report (by default) saved in Documents\MAP\MAPToolkitDB folder. You can navigate there, or go to View | Saved Reports
    Note : if you launch MAP Toolkit by impersonating other account with Local Administrator Right, the report saved in that account’s Document’s folder.

  10. Open the report

  11. Example of the report as below. The report is impressive. If the machines do not meet the threshold, the report will explain why.

  12.  This the one part that caught my attentions. It lists all applications installed, together with the versions and how many machines have the applications installed. Next post will explain on how to generate report that specifically list which machines have what applications.
