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Showing posts with the label MS Outlook

Microsoft Outlook Signature : Location of the File

Another simple post - Where is the location of Outlook Signature ? It is at........ C:\Users\<UserID>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures So there are 3 files :  *.htm - for HTML email format *.rtf - for Rich Text email format *.txt - for plain Text email format all of them can be edited via Microsoft Word. simple as, aye?

Enterprise Vault - This version of the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is not compatible with the Enterprise Vault server version.

Orait.. Let's talk about Enterprise Vault Outlook Plugin again... The project that I involved requires a few versions jump - from EV ver 9 to EV ver 12. The planning was to upgrade Plugin to version 12 first, followed by servers upgrade. According to EV Compatibility List ( ), the plugin will be supported if the server is either the same version(n), n-1 or n+1.  Now back to the issue. Due to version incompatibility between the plugin and the server, during my testing, there was an information box appeared whenever I opened my MS Outlook, as documented below. Issue : Received below error after upgrading EV Outlook Plugin from version 9 to version 12 (where the EV server was still at ver 9). This version of the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is not compatible with the Enterprise Vault server version. Contact your Help Desk for details of how to resolve the issue. At the same time, the Enterprise Vault p...

Enterprise Vault Outlook Plugin - Location is not valid. Choose a different installation location.

I was part of a project to upgrade Enterprise Vault system - my task was to ensure the Enterprise Vault Outlook plugin is properly deployed to Outlook clients. However, during my testing to install Enterprise Vault Outlook Plugin ver 12, I faced an issue as below : Location is not valid. Choose a different installation location.  No logs, just a warning.  Thererfore, I performed some troubleshoting, which leads to the resoluton. Issue :  Unable to install Enterprise Vault Outlook Plugin version 12 - error : Location is not valid. Choose a different installation location.  Troubleshooting  Normal EV Outlook plugin installation won’t produce any log. Therefore, for troubleshooting purpose (which then be used during automation), the installer executed with MSIEXEC command : msiexec /i "C:\temp\EVOutlookClient\Veritas Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-in (x86).msi" /qn /norestart /l* C:\temp\EV12Installation.log   Based on the log, these ...