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How To Totally Remove GPO

Assuming you mistakenly created a GPO and want to delete it before your boss hammerring your head (huh?).. Okay, too much drama, so let's change it. You want to housekeep your GPO (again?), and there are some GPOs need to be deleted. You right click at it, press Delete, and this message box prompted. 

Do you want to delete this link? 
This will not delete the GPO itself.

So, are you doing it right? The answer is no. Deleting it from the OU structure will not totally remove the GPO, it only unlink the OG from the GPO.

Description :
Put Citrix servers out of Citrix load (some sort of private mode / maintenance mode).

How To Do :
  1.  Within Group Policy Management Console, Go to Group Polcy Objects node. Right clik at the target GPO, and choose Delete

  2. Press Yes

  3.  That policy is no longer there.
