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Adding AD User Groups Into Computer Local Groups (Microsoft Server 2003)

Description :
There are multiple ways to do add AD user groups into computer local groups - manual way or using GPO. To me, it is always GPO way - it is easier (sort of) as the configuration will be persistent across all servers where the GPO being applied to.

How To Do :

  1.  At your GPO, right click at it, and choose Edit...

  2.  Expand to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Restricted Groups. Right click at it, and choose Add Group...

  3.  Click at Browse... as we want to choose the AD user Group.

  4.  Type your AD User Group

  5.   Click at Check Names to ensure the group is correct. Once it is confirmed, click at OK.

  6. The User group will be listed here. You can choose as many user groups as you want, it will be listed here. Press OK again.

  7.  In here, click at the Add button under This group is a member of: option.

  8.  Click at Browse to choose the local group to be assigned to.

  9.  Type your desired local group name. In this example, I chose Remote Desktop User. As always, press Check Names, and OK once confirmed.

  10.  Press OK.

  11.  So the local group will be listed here. Press Apply and OK.

  12.  You can see a new entry listed in Restricted Groups option.

  13.  To ensure the policy enforced to the servers, RDP to the servers and run GPUPDATE /FORCE command

  14. You can see the AD user group will be listed in local Group.
