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Citrix Support Tools

I just realized that Citrix has listed all its support tools under a page. Admins can easily download all those tools and utilized them in their environments. You can download those tools from here .
Microsoft has removed a feature from Microsoft Office 2010 which quite oftenly being used by end users - that is Microsoft Office Document Imaging ( MODI ). Therefore, as a workaround, MODI can be installed in 2 ways - MDI to TIFF Converter or Installing MODI from SharePoint Designer 2007. For this purpose, we will focussing on getting MODI installed from SharePoint Designer 2007. Description : Installing Microsoft Office Document Imaging ( MODI ) from SharePoint Designer 2007. How To Do :  Download SharePoint Designer 2007 from  Run the installer  Extracting file  Accept the agreement, and click  Continue   Click at Customize  Put everything as Not Available , at first. Now expand Office Tool , and Choose " Run All From My Computer " for Microsoft Office Document Imaging    So this is how it looks like...  Key in Desired ...

How To Totally Remove GPO

Assuming you mistakenly created a GPO and want to delete it before your boss hammerring your head (huh?).. Okay, too much drama, so let's change it. You want to housekeep your GPO (again?), and there are some GPOs need to be deleted. You right click at it, press Delete, and this message box prompted.  Do you want to delete this link?  This will not delete the GPO itself. So, are you doing it right? The answer is no. Deleting it from the OU structure will not totally remove the GPO, it only unlink the OG from the GPO. Description : Put Citrix servers out of Citrix load (some sort of private mode / maintenance mode). How To Do :  Within Group Policy Management Console, Go to Group Polcy Objects node. Right clik at the target GPO, and choose Delete

How To Enable / Disable Time Zone Redirection

There will be situation where Business wants users' Citrix sessions to reflect server time zone, especially when the datacenter location and users' locations are at different time zones. These steps are also applicable to provide local time zone to Citrix / TS users. Description : To provide server / local time zone to users' Citrix sessions. How To Do :  Launch Citrix AppCenter , and go to Policies node. From there, click at Users tab.  Depending whether to create a new policy or edit current one, choose the option accordingly. In this case, we create a new one.  Configure policy name  Browse to All Settings > ICA > Time Zone Control   Add Use local time of client policy  Choose desired option, whether to use server time or local time , then press OK  Press Next to proceed  Configure filtering accordingly.   Enable and create the Citrix policy. Go to Group Policy Management Consol...

Failed to Delete / Move Organizational Unit in Active Directory

I think I rarely touch about Active Directory, so let's start with a basic one. Let say, one day you want to housekeep your OU structure, delete or maybe move some OUs to different locations, but you got an error : You do not have sufficient privilages to delete <OUName>, or this onject is protected from accidental deletion. or Windows cannot move object <OUName> because: Access is denied. Well, if we look at the first error, it is clear cut, the object is protected from accidental deletion, so the object needs to stay there. Whereas for second error, it just mentioned "access is denied".  Issues : Can't delete or move OU, either one of above errors prompted. Troubleshooting   Right click at the target OU, and click at Properties