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Unable to Join Computer To Domain : The domain controller does not meet the version requirement for this operation

Few weeks ago, I had to un-join and rejoin one of my VM to our domain. Unjoin from the domain, checked. Rejoin to the domain, failed?? I know some of you may feel like "heh? is it that hard?" So no, it is not hard at all, but this was my first time I got below error (no screenshot, I forgot to capture one!)

Issues :

ERROR : The domain controller does not meet the version requirement for this operation.

But before the error prompted, I needed to key in my Domain Admin credential, which (1) I am pretty sure it was correct, and (2) it means my VM was connected to the network, and able to talk to Domain Controller.

Troubleshooting :

 I tried to join to domain using command line as below :
NETDOM /Domain:DomainName /user:DomainAdmUID /password:MyDomainIDP@ssword MEMBER MYCOMPUTER /JOINDOMAIN

But still, I got the same error :
ERROR : The domain controller does not meet the version requirement for this operation.

So, next I check on NetSetup Log ( C:\Windows\debug\NetSetup.LOG ) and this was what  I found

08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 -----------------------------------------------------------------
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpDoDomainJoin
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpDoDomainJoin: using current computer names
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(NetBios) returned 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpDoDomainJoin: NetpGetComputerNameEx(DnsHostName) returned 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM'
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 OS Version: 6.3
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 Build number: 9600 (9600.winblue_r9.150322-1500)
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 SKU: Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 Architecture: 64-bit (AMD64)
08/21/2015 16:39:23:039 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpJoinDomain
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 HostName: ComputerName
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetbiosName: WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 Domain: DomainName
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 Account: DomainName\DomainAdmUID
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 Options: 0x3
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'DomainName' is valid as type 3 name
08/21/2015 16:39:23:040 NetpValidateName: 'DomainName' is not a valid NetBIOS domain name: 0x7b
08/21/2015 16:39:23:093 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'DomainName' returned 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:23:093 NetpValidateName: name 'DomainName' is valid for type 3
08/21/2015 16:39:23:093 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: forcing WinBlue or later DC due to non-derivable Netbios name)
08/21/2015 16:39:23:093 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'DomainName', flags: 0x40401000
08/21/2015 16:39:23:910 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC having account 'WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM$': 0x525, last error is 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:24:720 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC in the specified domain: 0x54b, last error is 0x0

08/21/2015 16:39:24:720 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x54b
08/21/2015 16:39:24:720 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0xaa5
08/21/2015 16:39:24:720 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpResetIDNEncoding on '(null)': 0x0
08/21/2015 16:39:24:720 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0xaa5


--> Failed to find a DC having account 'WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM$':

Kinda strage to have that computer account name (WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM$) in my environment, so I checked on my machine's configuration, and yes, 'WIN-AJO7TDDCNSM$' was the netBIOS name, but not the computer's name.

 Resolution :

So I follow the steps in here 

 And below is the log after above step completed.

08/21/2015 16:45:38:597 -----------------------------------------------------------------
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpChangeMachineName: from 'ComputerName' to 'ComputerName' using 'DomainName\DomainAdmUID' [0x1000]
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpChangeMachineName: using DnsHostnameToComputerNameEx
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpChangeMachineName: generated netbios name: 'ComputerName'
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'DomainName', flags: 0x1010
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\DCServer.DomainName' in the specified domain
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:45:38:598 NetpGetDnsHostName: Read NV Domain: DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:617 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking DNS domain name DomainName/ into Netbios on \\DCServer.DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:618 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results: name = DomainName\
08/21/2015 16:45:38:618 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking account name DomainName\ComputerName$ on \\DCServer.DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:618 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results: (Account already exists) DN = CN=ComputerName,CN=Computers,DC=DomainName,DC=com,DC=my
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Initial attribute values:
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 DnsHostName  =  ComputerName.DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 ServicePrincipalName  =  HOST/ComputerName.DomainName  RestrictedKrbHost/ComputerName.DomainName  HOST/ComputerName  RestrictedKrbHost/ComputerName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Computer Object already exists in OU:
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 DnsHostName  =  ComputerName.DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 ServicePrincipalName  =  RestrictedKrbHost/ComputerName  HOST/ComputerName  RestrictedKrbHost/ComputerName.DomainName  HOST/ComputerName.DomainName
08/21/2015 16:45:38:619 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: There are _NO_ modifications to do
08/21/2015 16:45:38:620 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:45:38:620 NetpChangeMachineName: status of setting DnsHostName and SPN: 0x0
08/21/2015 16:45:38:620 NetpChangeMachineName: SetComputerNameEx() returned 0x1


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